Temporary construction barriers can be installed to branch off from an existing permanent concrete barrier to detour traffic or create construction work zones. A metal branching transition was developed to connect the temporary construction barrier to the permanent concrete barrier to protect where the permanent and temporary barrier converge.

- TTI Report Number – 690902 – PCL1-3
- MASH Testing of Branching Transition Barrier and Barrier Mounted Sign
- FHWA Letter – B-281
The Branching Transition was tested to MASH Test Level 3. MASH crash tests 3-20 and 3-21 were performed with a 1100C small passenger car and a 2270P pickup truck. The Branching Transition performed acceptably according to MASH standards in each test. The product satisfied the requirements of AASHTO MASH 2016 crash testing criteria.
The crash tested Branching Transition configuration included: One Complete Branching Transition Assembly, three pinned 4m X-Bolt temporary construction barrier, and hardware. The dimensions of the Branching Transition are 10895mm long x 802mm high to provide a smooth transition between the permanent barrier and the temporary construction barrier.
MASH Test 3-20:
An 1,100kg vehicle impacting the Critical Impact Point (CIP) of the transition at a nominal impact speed and angle of 100km/hr and 25 degrees.
MASH Test 3-21:
A 2,270kg pickup truck impacting the Critical Impact Point (CIP) of the transition at a nominal impact speed and angle of 100km/hr and 25 degrees.